Expanses (Teenage Synthstrumentals)

Instrumental album of lo-fi inner landscapes.

“As a music critic, but moreover as a fan, I must say that it really doesn’t get much better than a record like Expanses (Teenage Synthstrumentals) when you’re looking for pure ambience that transcendentally takes us to somewhere unearthly and stunning. In 13 songs, we travel the distance of the entire globe within, and outside of, our own consciousness. I don’t know about anyone else, but records like these are my reason for getting into independent music in the first place…. This is about expressing the voice of God through the only means that we have to on this humble planet of ours.” – Skope Mag

“Charming stuff with an innocent, pre-sequencer, handcrafted feel…. sounding like lo-fi Vangelis pieces that push primitive analogue instruments to their sound-warping limits.” – Uncut

“There can’t be many musicians around whose teenage noodlings you’d need to hear this badly. These early miniature synth epics and exploratory vignettes are wildly diverting, coming over like Kid Carpet covering Fuck Buttons, or a John Carpenter soundtrack for kids’ TV. ‘Lizards Enter The Rain Forest’ is a three-minute joy, and the standout ‘Aqua Petal’ sounds like something off Kraftwerk’s ‘Radioactivity’ interpreted by some wide-eyed, sun and acid-baked LA wunderkind (which he kinda is). – Electronic Sound

“While mainstream audiences are just getting exposed to this approach to songwriting, giants like Ethan Gold have been dominating the underground for some time now…. I wouldn’t rule out Ethan Gold as being one of the major, unspoken influences in the future work of other artists in his medium…. If you think it’s absurd to even suggest that a devotedly experimental, avant-garde artist could have such a reach, I would encourage you to have a listen to some of Lou Reed’s earlier solo work and reassess your opinion…. I can say with complete confidence that I won’t hear anything quite as original as Expanses (Teenage Synthstrumentals) in all of 2018, and that is why it is my nominee for record of the year.” – Vents Magazine

1 Intro to Expanses
2 In Open Air At Last
3 Departure
4 Concrete Sweat
5 Aqua Petal
6 Corrosion
7 Lizards Enter the Rain Fores
8 On the North Sea
9 High Clocks
10 The Newest Crazy Element
11 Zion Pools
12 Crossing the Bar
13 Missing

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